The Unbelievable Mr. Brownstone Book 3
The Harriken have decided James Brownstone needs to die. So they put out a hit on him valued at $500,000.
Shay is working her way back to California from a raid on artifacts in Asia, but she could be too late to help. With all of Los Angeles and Southern California's hitmen trying to take out Brownstone, even the cops are sitting this one out.
Until they don't.
Magical criminals, thugs, and bounty hunters - it is a cage match that LA isn't large enough to contain when Brownstone goes hard.
If you decide to hunt James Brownstone, we suggest you purchase life insurance.
It will provide those who live beyond your shorter-expected-lifespan the money for a nice casket.
Brownstone likes his life simple, but when people hunt him, he is willing to call in a few favors.
Michael Anderle