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Book 8: One Crazy Rescue Audiobook
Book 8: One Crazy Rescue Audiobook
Book 8: One Crazy Rescue Audiobook
Book 8: One Crazy Rescue Audiobook

Book 8: One Crazy Rescue Audiobook


A bad day in Hell is better than crash-landing in the ZOO...

Especially when you believe the helicopter pilot is certifiably insane.

Born from the fertile imagination of bestselling author Michael Anderle…

The surge has hit the world, and the ZOO is breaking through the boundaries mankind has set up.

One week after the surge, our team needs to go in and rescue a group that is held by a new tactic from the ZOO, can Manny and Ava help them?

Ava Martin, medical school dropout and government support staff just made it out of the ZOO alive. Manny is...strange is a nice way of describing the helicopter pilot.

How in the world are these two going to help someone caught in the ZOO?

Fortunately for those stuck in the ZOO, crazy just might be the right strategy.

The ZOO is making its move. Will those around the ZOO survive to hold it off, or is the world now a few short years of total destruction?



Join Ava Martin as she enters the ZOO, learning how to stay alive as she finds out more about the ZOO than the reports explained, or she ever wanted.

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