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Book 12: One Crazy Set Of Stories Audiobook
Book 12: One Crazy Set Of Stories Audiobook
Book 12: One Crazy Set Of Stories Audiobook
Book 12: One Crazy Set Of Stories Audiobook

Book 12: One Crazy Set Of Stories Audiobook


Revenge is acid on the scabs on personal failure.

Born from the fertile imagination of bestselling author Michael Anderle…

Kessler wants revenge, and he has Manny and Ava in his sights.

The rules are tough on everyone, but even more so on Manny and Ava as they try to remember why they are helping.

Can the two of them help their fellow humans when the focus of the base is on killing machines?

Gorilladillos, Mandrillion, and the Damned Monkeys are the latest problems for our warriors out in the ZOO. Are you ready for more nightmares?.

The ZOO finds horribly new and dangerous ways to attack Ava and the team. Can Ava, Manny, and the others adapt fast enough to stay alive?

Some say that laughter is the best medicine, but is that true when the ZOO ails you?



Join Ava Martin as she enters the ZOO, learning how to stay alive as she finds out more about the ZOO than the reports explained or she ever wanted.

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